Lot's of good things happening with the still untitled knife-throwing short film that Dave and I have been working on for a few months now. We finished the script on Dec. 29th. Two weeks ago we did a little location scouting, and knocked out one of two remaining locations last night by agreeing to (hopefully) use a hallway in my office building. Also last night we did the first of three or four table reads with the two leads. Today I spoke with Adam about taking a supporting part, and it's all but a lock that he will. We look to start shooting the first weekend of March and to wrap the following weekend. Stay tuned for further updates on its awesomeness.
Also, we'll be completing a script as an entry KDHX's Coming Up Shorts program. It should prove to be explosive, imaginative, and heartwarming. Again, stay tuned for updates.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Let's All Go to the Lobby!
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be able to attend an advance screening of the French film "Persepolis." I had hoped to catch the film when it played at the last festival, but work got in the way. It was definitely worth the wait. The film uses a simple form of animation, but it strongly brings Marjane Satrapi's art to life. The film is imaginative, compelling, and will hopefully win the Oscar for best animated film.
When I got back to the office, I was saddened to learn that Heath Ledger had died. I am very excited for his performance as the Joker, but knowing that he was one of Kara's favorite actors (and crushes) made the situation somewhat surreal. Part of the reason I liked him as an actor so much comes from Kara's love of him. She definitely helped changed my mind about "A Knight's Tale." Of Ledger's films I have watched, I always enjoyed his work, from "10 Things I Hate About You," to "Brokeback Mountain," to "Candy." It will be bittersweet to take in his performance as the Joker and to think of all the hacks who are out there muddling up the silver screen while Ledger, who always delivered an engaging, entertaining, or profound performance, had yet to really reach his peak as an actor.
When I got back to the office, I was saddened to learn that Heath Ledger had died. I am very excited for his performance as the Joker, but knowing that he was one of Kara's favorite actors (and crushes) made the situation somewhat surreal. Part of the reason I liked him as an actor so much comes from Kara's love of him. She definitely helped changed my mind about "A Knight's Tale." Of Ledger's films I have watched, I always enjoyed his work, from "10 Things I Hate About You," to "Brokeback Mountain," to "Candy." It will be bittersweet to take in his performance as the Joker and to think of all the hacks who are out there muddling up the silver screen while Ledger, who always delivered an engaging, entertaining, or profound performance, had yet to really reach his peak as an actor.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Feeling Groovy
Sunday was a most excellent day. Kara and I watched "The Fearless Vampire Killers," as previously discussed. We then went to lunch at McLozzi's Deli and drove out to Euclid Records to do a little shopping. Lunch was great, even after I spilled tea all over the place. The atmosphere was very laid back, very casual. The food was great. I had a grilled cheese with vegetable soup. Kara had a tea soaked turkey club. Check it out if you have a chance and are in the area. We went to dinner at Three Monkeys with Dave and Tracie, who are crazy close to expanding their family roster. The food was good, though the establishment was much closer to bar than I had realized. When we arrived home, Dave and I went to work on various Meatloaf Productions material. We are very close to wrapping up our Frankstein themed film. We are also continuing to develop several short film projects for various upcoming projects like Coming Up Shorts and Gimme Truth! Stay tuned for details on both of those.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Cinema Obscura
In my original post, "Hear ye, hear ye!" I mentioned that I would occasionally write about crazy, weird, or rare films. This should also include older, forgotten, or non-mainstream films. Kara and I recently watched Roman Polanski's "The Fearless Vampire Killers, or Pardon Me, but Your Teeth are in My Neck." This was a terrific film and a great way to spend a Sunday morning, especially when much of the television programming is dedicated to playoff football. If it were playoff hockey coverage (that'll be the day), it would be a much different story. This is one of Polanski's early films, and was made just prior to "Rosemary's Baby." The film is filled with great slapstick moments, awesome sets, and detailed costumes. Part comedy, part vampire hunt, it's interesting to think about the juxtaposition of this film against "Rosemary's Baby," given the latter film's more dramatic and serious tone. If you get a chance, check it out! 

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Let's All Go to the Lobby!
Today I caught a press screening of "Be Kind Rewind." Michel Gondry has nearly escalated to the echelon of auteur with the works "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," and "Science of Sleep." His latest effort, however, does not quite meet the standards he has previously delivered. While at times amusing, imaginative, and fun, the film is starched, stilted, and yawn-inducing. There are several clever methods employed to re-create movies that have been erased by Jack Black, but the film overall just falls flat. Poor acting, lackluster chemistry, and Jack Black's shtick wearing thin have doomed this movie to be dumped in the wasteland that is February releases. The bad taste of this film was quickly washed away as just a few hours later I caught a screening of "El Orfanato." The biggest draw for this film will be that it is "presented" by Guillermo del Toro. At turns suspenseful and mysterious, it's no surprise that del Toro is backing it, as it is very similar to both "El Espinazo del Diablo" and "El Laberinto del Fauno." A fun night with old Billion, which hasn't happened quite enough lately.
Sorry that yesterday I was a wet noodle complaining about work. Well, I have found a remedy, an old friend really. That friend is Yahoo! radio. It's great because you slowly cobble together a personalized station while also hearing new artists who are similar to old favorites. Very cool. It's helping the day pass a little easier indeed. Click the pic to listen in on the station that is KLBS.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Working, withering away
So I'm at work and not working. I've found it hard to maintain focus. My job is awesome, don't get me wrong, I just find it hard to stay away from the internet. In the two days that I've been back I have gotten a few things done, and that's good. Today will be some photoshop action as we prepare for the Oscar party. Hobnobbing, cocktails, and fancy attire: all things I usually avoid. Watching the Oscars could be fun, though, I hope.
In other news, Dave and I met with Dan last night and we discussed a few short film ideas. The meeting was a little painful at first, not much movement. I am partially to blame for that. I think I am dealing with fears of not really getting anything done juxtaposed against actually working on stuff on a consistent basis. What I mean by that is it would be weird to really be committed to developing production stuff. But that's my dream! Once things started rolling, the ideas were flowing, and covered four or five projects. Except for the knife-throwing movie, everything is still in the inital stages, but it was fun to brainstorm.
Kara and I have watched a few movies since last time I talked about movies. "El Topo," "Call of the Wild," and the ever painful "Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas." Not even the biggest Patrick Fugit fan could sensibly enjoy that film. I need to find out about catching "Be kind, Rewind" tomorrow. It's a daytime screening, so getting out of work for it may be tough, especially since I will be missing most of Friday to work at KDHX. If it happens, you can read about it here!
In other news, Dave and I met with Dan last night and we discussed a few short film ideas. The meeting was a little painful at first, not much movement. I am partially to blame for that. I think I am dealing with fears of not really getting anything done juxtaposed against actually working on stuff on a consistent basis. What I mean by that is it would be weird to really be committed to developing production stuff. But that's my dream! Once things started rolling, the ideas were flowing, and covered four or five projects. Except for the knife-throwing movie, everything is still in the inital stages, but it was fun to brainstorm.
Kara and I have watched a few movies since last time I talked about movies. "El Topo," "Call of the Wild," and the ever painful "Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas." Not even the biggest Patrick Fugit fan could sensibly enjoy that film. I need to find out about catching "Be kind, Rewind" tomorrow. It's a daytime screening, so getting out of work for it may be tough, especially since I will be missing most of Friday to work at KDHX. If it happens, you can read about it here!
While this isn't my first choice for visually expressing my boredom, it plays into my love of comics and older comic book style art. I would advise against searching the terms "painful," "torture," and variations thereof, especially under google images. That's bad news bears, my friend, so be careful!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Just for kicks...
Some of you may know that I am submitting to this year's Famous Fictional, presented by Luby. Here's a teaser of one of the characters I selected to portray...

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