Thursday, October 9, 2008

My cousin is a psycho*...

Stemming from a forwarded email...

Dude, if the Baptists said they were going to kill us and destroy our economy. I would get the dissenting fucks on the chopping block. But the Baptists or whoever would take it upon themselves and decide to get the ones with in their religion that was bad. Bad is blowing up your young men with bombs strapped to their chests so they can kill innocent people that are not in a war zone,ANd then you pay the family for their sacrifice, and tell everyone God wants it. No Muslim group or groups have risen up in dissent and pointed to the terrorists in US. We still allow Mosques to be built in peace. See by Dax's house. You cannot even have a bible in most Islamic countries. Religion is a Zionist belief system. Force is the only thing they understand. OBAMA is a Muslim. I would not elect a Baptist to be President even if he was now a Muslim if the Baptists wanted us dead. Fucking Christian, My ass. Rev. Wright is a prick. God Damn America is what he said. Fuck you ya veteran jackass. Please pass this on to anyone you want. I hope I am wrong. Obama is the Antichrist. Times are going to get bad. If everyone would see how much we have been given and how dangerous repression disguised as political correctness is, we would have a chance. You cannot fight an enemy while trying not to offend him with bad table manners. Since when do Muslims have more rights than Anarchists. I could not start and Anarchist school in NY. How about a recruitment center for the study of Fascism. Why do women have to wear Burkas. They are beaten for being raped. No not a generalization. Look it up.

Example: It was ok to be a Nazi before WWII. We met wiht them. Signed treaties, agreements. Chamberlain.look it up. They said ok. We smiled. Then we were attacked. Some said oh don't do it they may get angry. Some wanted Joe Kennedy as Prez. He liked the Nazi's. Dick. The Nazi's aren't bad. No they just burned up Humans in Furnaces that were masked as Showers. So after the war Nazi's were bad.They should have been removed earlier. Why did we not do it? Let's see................Fucking table manners. Millions of people could have been saved. Some see evil, some deny evil, some embrace it, some are apathetic. What are you Brian? I would give anything to be wrong. All this comes from a drug addicted-crazy, who is a member of the largest Anarchist organization in the world. NA.Love Fuck all the Bush Arguments, Wake up he is not running Love, DaxBy the way, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly rule. Hannity is a fascist but has a good point or two. Savage is a Nut bar but has a good point or two, like the Baby boomers caused all this with their free love Bullshit.

*but he means well.

1 comment:

The Northern Bullet said...

Uhhhhhh..........HUH?! That made little to no sense. I'm no expert on WW2 but I'm pretty sure there was no presidential candidate named Joe Kennedy back then. And the nearest would have Jack Kennedy, about 16 years later. Again....HUH?